Dragonfly Children's Services
Dragonfly Children's Services Ltd. was formed as a company in 2010. The Company's primary aim is to improve outcomes for children. To this end, the company has to date created a Residential Parenting Assessment Centre...
Dragonfly offers accommodation to Young Parents on a shorthold tenancy basis, giving them the opportunity to care for their children in an independent environment, whilst still having access to support from Chrysalis Assessment and Support Centre, where this is deemed necessary.
Dragonfly can provide housing/accommodation for up to 4 Family Units (parent/s and child). The farm bungalow consists of 3 large bed-sitting rooms (one of which is en-suite), a shared kitchen diner, a communal sitting/meeting room and a communal children's play room. It has extensive grounds and offers opportunities for healthy outdoor family time.
Residents may also access Community parenting assessment and support from Chrysalis Assessment and Support Centre which is also based in Bridlington, or attend the Centre for daily parenting support.